Step 1. Signup here to create account with us (if you have not done yet)
Step 2. Check your email to activate the account (if you have not done yet).
Step 3. Login to your web account : by the User ID and Password - that you received at your registration
Step 4. Click on the SOFT PHONE / DIALPAD from the left side under your web account
Step 4a. Under the link SOFT PHONE / DIALPAD : Username and Password - you have to enter this Username and Password on the FinnDial Soft Phone
Step 5. Download from this link : VoIP Soft
Phone for Windows
Step 6. Save the Soft Phone file on your computer
Step 7. Install FinnDial WINDOWS DIALPAD on your computer and allow the firewall to run the Soft Phone - if you have firewall
Step 8. On the Soft Phone in your computer Enter -
Login/Username: that you have got from Step 3, 4 and 4a.
Password: that you have got from Step 3, 4 and 4a.
Displayname: could write Your name
Step 9. IMPORTANT: In your computer, on the FinnDial Soft Phone, go to:
Tools -> Configurations -> Audio ->
Input device - choose your computer's Input device other than default
Output device - choose your computer's Output device other than default
Ringing device - choose your computer's Ringing device other than default
Step 10. Click on the Save button and you are ready to call
1. You have entered Wrong Username and/or Password - How to change?
On the FinnDial Soft Phone in your computer
1a. From above Menu - Click on Account
1b. Log Off
1c.Select from the Account box and click on Modify
1d. login / username : from Step 3, 4 and 4a
1e. Password: from Step 3, 4 and 4a
1d. Displayname: could write Your name
2. Is it same User ID and Password for web account login and also for Soft Phone?
Ans: NO
2a. User ID and Password for web account login : You will get this User ID and Password, when you sign up with us.
2b. Username and Password for Soft Phone : You have to login to your web account to get the Username and Password for Soft Phone (Step 3, 4 and 4a)